Brian Cockerill will be leading a fungus foray.Meet at the Forestry Office in North Moors at 10.00hrs. Bring suitable footwear for ‘off-piste’ walking in the forest and a packed lunch.
Meet 9.45am for 10am start in cafe at Boggle Hole Youth Hostel YO22 4UQ Grid Ref NZ954040 What3Words showrooms.having.songbird. Park on Mill Bank Car park and walk down the track.
Call Rob Stark 07737 400962 for car sharing. Weather cancellation is unlikely but would be posted on WhatsApp and an e-mail sent.
If you have ever wondered what a beautiful pebble on the beach is and it’s story you will find this interesting.
Tony Kearsley a local geologist has offered to lead a trip along the beach where we will look at some pebbles and hear the story of how they have travelled from Cumbria, northern England, Scotland and maybe even Norway!
Low tide is midday. We will be focusing on the top of the beach but not directly under the cliffs so hard hats are not mandatory. Please bring waterproofs and GOOD footwear as we may have to paddle across the Beck and the rocks can be slippy. It is a 300 metre walk and 50m descent to/from the car park on tarmac road – if this is a problem we can arrange for dropping nearer – contact leader.
You can bring pack up or buy food at the Youth Hostel (or both). The Youth Hostel have kindly given us use of the classroom so if it is wet we may retire there after a pebble foraging expedition.
Members and Rotunda Geology Group and guests only meeting (and their guests). Members of either group free. Guests of members are asked for £2 donation.
Brian Cockerill will be leading a fungus foray. Meet at the Reasty Bank car park at 10.00hrs. Bring suitable footwear for ‘off-piste’ forest walking and also a packed lunch.
A talk by Allan Rodda and Sam Newton on the staus of Shield bugs in Yorkshire