A talk by Steve Bushell on his experiences of meadow management at Broadhead Farm
A chance to shake off last night’s festivities effects and look for some winter flowering plants and other things. Meet 1 pm at the entrance to Peasholm Park . We will then go up into the glen to look for the dippers as well, and then maybe onto the open air theatre and look for the kingfisher. A visit to a cafe could be added!
A chance to blow some cobwebs out after Christmas and get the bird list going. Details to follow but contact Rob Stark if you are interested.
Have you ever wondered what is happening to our wildlife at night. Find out what nocturnal bird activity takes place after dark with the talk by Will Scott on nocturnal migration of birds.
A chance to see what goes on behind the scenes at Woodend museum and see some of the artifacts that are not on display. A tour by Jim Middleton.
Note that this is restricted to 5 persons for each of the two days (See also 6th Feb). We will be making a list for each day and making a reserve list where necessary so if you successfully book and then later find you are not able to attend please make sure you let us know so we can utilise all the limited spaces.
Contact Nick Gibbons to book a place.
A chance to see what goes on behind the scenes at Woodend museum and see some of the artifacts that are not on display. A tour by Jim Middleton.
Note that this is restricted to 5 persons for each of the two days (See also 5th Feb). We will be making a list for each day and making a reserve list where necessary so if you successfully book and then later find you are not able to attend please make sure you let us know so we can utilise all the limited spaces.
Contact Nick Gibbons to book a place.
Dr Africa Gomez of Hull University and Hull Natural History Society will give us a talk on a group of insects that most of us seem to know little about and which have a fascinating life.
This a Zoom meeting organised by the YNU.
In 2024 the YNU provided a grant to assist 5 Yorkshire field workers attend a workshop organised by Curlew Action. Mary Colwell, its Director, will give a talk about its work and what has been happening in Yorkshire.
Booking will be via the YNU website
We will do our regular check on the old railway tunnel at Ravenscar to see search for any hibernating bats.
Meet at 10.00am at the National Trust visitor centre at Ravenscar. Wear suitable clothes for an underground activity and stout shoes or boots are recommended as it is often quite wet in the tunnel and can be slippery getting down into the cutting. Good torch required. Contact Nick Gibbons if you are interested in coming.