A look for butterflies and insects on the reserve, in particular looking for White-letter hairstreak on the Elms. Meet at the reserve (TA 0116 7913) and park on the grass just inside the entrance to the village hall rather than in the road please.
A chance to learn a bit about wood pasture with Sam Newton and to find out about White-clawed crayfish and the plan to create a haven for them from YWT project officer Vanessa Barlow. The evening will consist of a walk round the farm with our two guides followed by a pot luck supper at Rock House, so bring something that you can share around of the edible variety. There is a number of chairs but if you have a collapsible chair please bring one.
The walk will include some uneven terrain, boggy areas and a steep slope to climb, so please come prepared and make sure you bring suitable footwear. The site is also good for bats so as it gets dark we should be able to identify a few species while we have supper. Make sure you bring suitable footwear for the farm walk.
Meeting place Grid Ref SE923893. The approach to ‘Rock House’ is signed at the bottom of the lane and is the second entrance on the bend, the first being Troutsdale Lodge. Please come up the track and park. There is limited parking space so if you are able it would be good to car share.
A second chance to look for butterflies and insects on the reserve, in particular looking for White-letter hairstreak on the Elms. Meet at the reserve and park on the grass just inside the entrance rather than in the road please.
I have had this message from Ian Popely regarding an event which we have supported in the past. For our new members Pauline served on the Scarborough Nats committee for many years and was also an avid botany and butterfly surveyor.
Just to let you all know that I am planning to hold a final Open Garden in memory of Pauline at Broxa this year, on Saturday 3rd August(on what would have been her 70th Birthday), between 2.00 and 4:30pm. at 2, Red Briar Cottages Broxa YO13 0BP
There will be good company, cakes etc., a book stall, plant sales and the garden’s phlox should be in full flower.
There is no entrance fee, but donations towards refreshments would be welcomed.
If you cannot make it on the day, but wish to make a donation to APF in memory of Pauline, you can find details on https://www.actionpf.org/information-and-support/personal-stories
So far over £5000 has been raised for APF research.
As it is the final Open Garden at Broxa I am holding a special raffle and there are two amazing prizes. Pauline purchased an award winning Phlox watercolour ( value £1200) and a limited edition print ( value £150) and raffle tickets can be purchased at £10 each and I hope to draw the winning ticket on the day. 1st Prize: the original painting. 2nd prize: The Print ( photos attached).
I hope you feel this is a good idea. I will also invite RHS Hardy Plant Society members as well as friends of Pauline for this final celebration.
Meet Bog Hall SE725707.
We have privileged access to a private part of the estate which includes ancient woodland, wetland and veteran trees. This is a 2-day meeting, not a residential, so members can attend either or both days.
Contact: Sarah White for details
Meet at Filey boat club at bottom of hill from the park at 10.30. Low tide is 13.00hrs. Please let Ginny Leeming know if you are coming. Wear suitable footwear and bring something for sample collection.
A point survey of Pexton Ponds and the adjacent water bodies. FC are planning to make some alterations to the site and are keen to know what bats are using the area. Meet at the old FC visitor centre in Low Dalby village at 7.15pm.
Another chance to go whale watching from Staithes. The trip will be departing at 07.30hrs. We will not be booking directly through the Nats but it is up to individuals to do their own booking and mention Scarborough Nats. The contact details are ‘Sean at 01947 840278’ More details can be obtained at Realstaithes.com. See below for more details. There are currently 5 members booked and we will try and organise car sharing nearer the date,
We will meet you on the far end of the seafront at Staithes, near the harbour office, then guide you down to the boat from there. Please allow at least 30 minutes to get from the carpark, at the top of the hill, onto the seafront and then down the pier to the boat. Access on / off the boat will be via a ladder, the tide will determined how much or little of a climb is needed.
The cost is £50.00 per person for the trip. We normally take payment on the day as the trip is dependant on weather.
If you do need to cancel the trip we would appreciate as much notice as possible to enable us to offer your places to others.
Please Note:
- We do ask that you call us the day before the trip, just to check that the weather is OK for the trip to go ahead.
- We cannot guarantee that whales, dolphins or certain seabirds will be spotted on every trip but if they are there Sean will usually spot them..
- Please bring with you warm, waterproof clothing & sturdy footwear as well as sun cream..! any refreshments you may require and don’t forget your camera.
A point survey of Filey Dams as a follow up to our June visit and we will be looking to see if we can find Nathusius’ pipistrelles amongst the bats found. We will also be looking for the elusive Daubenton’s bat which we expected but did not record on our first visit. Meet at the main car park for 6.40. Please let Nick Gibbons know if you are attending to enable suitable points to be sorted out.
A report on some of the Societies activities in 2023/4 by various recorders including botany and fungi.