Category Archives: Recent Sightings
2017 April 25
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON: Tuesday 25th April 2017 |
VENUE: St Catherine’s Hospice Education Centre ATTENDANCE: 32 Members & guests.
CHAIRMAN: Brian Walker was in the Chair. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Robin Hopper. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(s): Minutes from 21st March 2017 were distributed. MATTERS ARISING: None.
CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: YNU newsletter had arrived and was available electronically. Any members who wished to have the e-mail forwarded are to let the secretary Rob Stark know. The YWT magazine and Yorkshire Geology Society had arrived. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The ‘Slowing the flow’ project was having an open day at Dalby. Nick has provided the YNU with the details of our meetings to put on thier website. Nick has arranged for our website to have the functionality to allow members to put on sightings directly.
The dates of the outdoor meetings are now on the website and hard copies were available for members. Not Rob Stark mobile number is not on the website but is on the hard copy.
The proposed coach trip to Saltholme was announced and members asked if they would like to commit to coming. The date is Saturday 16th September and will be subsidised by the legacy from Gwenda Wadsworth. Cost £10 adults and £5 children. We will need cash at the next meeting.
RECORDS AND REPORTS: for period 22nd March 5th Jan to 25th April
The bat box check on the 22nd April was a great success. 11 people checked 90 boxes finding 80 bats. The next bat box check is 30th April after the dawn chorus trip.
Pauline showed a brief video of Palmate Newts courtship and also of Turtle Doves in her garden in Broxa. John Hume reported Green Hairstreaks at Reasty Bank and Grouse Hill on 23rd. Alan Rodder reported Cuckoo at Castlebeck Woods on the 23rd. Steve Buschell reported Slow worm at Hern Head in a Land Rover. Jenny O’Conner noted an Adder on the 9th April in Harwood Dale.
Petra Young of Forestry Commission gave a talk outlining the Trusts Forest plan and how conservation fitted into this. This was followed by a long question and answer session.
The date of the next meeting is 23rd May 2017 by Ros Lilley of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust on the Trust and it’s activities.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.
April Newsletter now available
May Newsletter is now available
April Newsletter is now available
Dead badger by gate to Johnson’s Marsh at 0830 this morning (22/03/2017). Looks like road casualty. Picture is of course from a live one!
Hedgehogs are already up and about in early March 2017 in Scalby (Photo taken in 2016) as evidenced by the droppings on the lawn. Like Winnie-the-Pooh it was more of a squeeze getting out of the cage than getting in after demolishing a fat ball!
Adder’s Tongue Fern
Found in both front and back lawns of my garden in 2016 Up to 500 plants but only a very few reached fruiting stage. Now over 100 plants counted by 9th April so lawn will have ‘unmown patches’ again! Interestingly the lawn feed etc on the back lawn has had no effect on the fern.
Noctule bat
Rescued from a felled tree at West Heslerton in January 2016