Recording Area
As a group, we have selected an area (based around Scarborough) which we regard as our ‘local patch’.
This is our ‘recording area’, and you can see the boundaries by looking at the map on our Recording Area web page.
We take a particular interest in the wildlife which has been seen in this area and are always happy to hear from anyone who has seen something that they would like to share with others.
The sightings don’t have to be of anything rare, since it is important to keep an eye on how everything is doing in these days of global warming.
Sightings are reported at the meetings and/or on the Recent Sightings web page, so that everyone can find out what is going on.
The records we receive are passed to our ‘Recorders’ (people who collect the records of a particular type eg Butterflies and Moths, Mammals or Birds) first, and in most cases these are then passed on to the main National recording bodies (eg Butterfly Conservation).
The ‘Scarborough District’ as defined in the rules of the Society, is as follows using the Ordnance Survey six figure National Grid system :-
From a point just South of Whitby NZ 930100
South along the coast to Flamborough Head TA 256700
Due West (inland) in a straight line to a point SE of Malton SE 800700
North in a straight line (West of Newtondale) to a point South of Ugthorpe (near Whitby) NZ 800100
Then in a straight line due East back to the coast just South of Whitby NZ 930100

Scarborough Field Naturalists Recording Area
Note :-
The bold line indicates the boundary between Vice Counties of the Watsonian System (i.e. VC 61 to the South and VC 62 to the North).