Founded 1889 – Affiliated to Yorkshire Naturalists' Union

Amphibians and Reptiles:
British Herpetological SocietyFroglife
British Reptiles
The Bat Conservation TrustNorth Yorkshire Bat Group
East Yorkshire Bat Group
Scarborough BirdersFiley Brigg Ornithological Group
Flamborough Ornithological GroupRSPB
British Ornothologists UnionBritish Trust for Ornothology
Wildfowl and Wetland TrustHawk and Owl Trust
North Yorkshire Coast Swift Group
Butterflies and Moths:
Butterfly ConservationYorkshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation
Fungi and Lichens:
The British Mycological SocietyThe British Lichen Society
Dinosaur CoastYorkshire Geological Society
Rotunda MuseumRotunda Geology Group
Insects and Spiders:
Amateur Entomological SocietyBuglife
Royal Entomological SocietyThe British Dragonfly Society
Yorkshire Branch of BDSBritish Arachnological Society
Bumble Bee Conservation Trust
The Mammal SocietyYorkshire Mammal Group
The Badger TrustNorth Riding Badger Group
Marine Life:
Marine Biological AssociationMarine Biological Conservation Society
Scarborough SeaLife and Marine Conservation Sanctuary
Conchological Soc Of Great Britain and Ireland
Botanical Society of the British IslesPlantlife
The Tree CouncilThe Forestry Commission
The Woodland TrustThe British Bryological Society
The Cayton and Flixton Carrs Wetland ProjectThe Biological Records Centre
The North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data CentreThe Yorkshire Naturalists' Union
The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust:Ryedale Natural History Society