Minutes of the Meeting Held on Tuesday 8th January 2013 at 7-30pm, at the University of Hull Scarborough Campus.
The Past President, Mick Carroll, welcomed the 16 Members present and wished all a happy New Year.
Apologies: President Robin Hopper, Cedric Gillings.
Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2012: These were displayed at the meeting and on the website. Apart from one small amendment, they were approved and signed.
Correspondence: None received.
Records and Reports:
Brian Walker gave and explanation about the Legacy Fund, the status of which had been the subject of enquiry at the AGM. All the money was accounted for in the Post Office account. A schedule of finances was provided by the Treasurer, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. Brian also had a copy of Svenson’s Ringer’s Guide for sale.
Melanie Earle spoke about the format for the Members Evenings. These were to be informal un-minuted meetings where Members could set their own agenda and discuss such items of species identification, demonstrations of technique etc. Melanie also announced an open day to be held at Potter Brompton Carr on Saturday12th January at 10am.
John Hume had produced a Review of the Society’s activity and records for 2012, and had copies to distribute free to Members. John also mentioned the records of Harbour Porpoise provided by Stuart Baines, with up to 15 being seen off the Marine Drive in early January.
Kath Bushell had seen a wintering Goldcrest in High Langdale, and Stephen Bushell had found a Harvest Mouse nest in Troutsdale, and watched a Stoat on a dry stone wall.
Philip Winter had seen up to five Short-eared Owls on his land at Muston during November/December 2012, and 24 Grey Partridge, in four separate covies. He had found Early, Dotted Border and Pale Brindled Beauty moths drowned in a puddle.
Albert Devitt reported a female Eider at Scalby Mills this day.
Mick Carroll reported 1,800 Common Teal, Pintail, Pochard, Goosander and Gadwall on floods on the western Carrs as well as Short-eared Owl and Barn Owl. A roost of 100 Greater Black-backed Gulls was in one field. He had also been to Bowland, where he had seen Raven and Hen Harrier.
Ian Glaves reported a flock of 43 Corn Buntings wintering at Cottondale on Staxton Wold, and read a report from Cedric Gillings, who had the results of some Owl pellet analysis from Folkton Sewage Farm. It had revealed 60 Field Voles, 3 Bank Voles, 11 Common Shrews, 1 Pigmy Shrew, 2 Water Shrews, 3 House Mice and 1 Wood Mouse. He had also seen a Weasel at Wilton, a dead Badger at Cloughton, up to 10 Waxwings at Burniston, lots of Newt elts, 2 Water Boatmen and a Diving Beetle at Harwood Dale Fish Ponds. Ian then went on to announce the 2013 Programme, elaborating a little on the speakers scheduled.
After a short break, Members gave reports on several topics.
Pauline Popely showed a series of photographs of Turtle Doves in her back garden, one of which had been caught and ringed. She also showed pictures of Small Pearl-bordered and Duke of Burgundy Fritillaries, and Lady’s Slipper Orchid.
Brian Cockerill gave an illustrated review of the Fungi he had recorded in the District during 2011, as the 2012 version was not ready. Many common and uncommon species were shown with the aid of excellent photographs.
Brian Walker gave a short dissertation of Deer identification, involving the common Roe Deer, rarer Muntjac and Fallow Deer, and the much rarer Red Deer.
Ian Glaves concluded by giving a short illustrated overview of the birds seen in the area in 2012, picking out the more interesting species, including Egyptian Goose and Lanceolated Warbler, both new for the District.
The meeting closed at 9-30pm.