2016 – Nov 22
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON: 22rd November 2016
VENUE: University of Hull Scarborough Campus. ATTENDANCE: 17 Members & guests.
CHAIRMAN: John Hume, President.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(s): Minutes from 8th November were presented on screen and accepted.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Reminder that the AGM is on 6th December. Please send agenda items to Brian Walker.
Janice Morritt reported Kingfisher at the open air theatre, Peregrines on Castle headland. Great Northern Diver and Black Necked Grebe were in the harbour.
Nick Gibbons reported four Black Throated Diver off Long Nab on Monday.
Robin Hopper reported that there had been several sightings of Waxwings in Scarborough but they are very mobile. Also Little Auks at Long Nabs on Monday.
Pauline Popely reported that two Hawfinch had been seen at Helmsley Castle car park.
Brian Walker confirmed that there is some Hornbeam on road between Osmotherley and Hawnby. This may be worth a look for Hawfinch. He also reported good numbers of Crossbills in the forestry. There have been Great Grey Shrikes recorded at May Moss and in Langdale.
Colin Keighley reported Snow bunting at Blakey Ridge
Members evening. The following members gave talks.
Janice Morritt provided some photos for including Jack Snipe, various fungi and Great Northern Diver.
Melanie Earle showed some slides regarding some studies she had performed looking at the relative flora and butterfly abundance roadside verges in and around the national park under different mowing regimes. This showed a marked correlation between butterfly abundance and later, less aggressive mowing regimens. There was a far weaker correlation between flora richness and butterfly abundance. The reason for the more aggressive mowing regimens seen recently is to protect Pheasants from road kill. The data may prove useful in negotiating with landowners on mowing regimens.
Brian Walker showed members the DEFRA website 'Magic' which gives data on SSSI, historical sites and similar.
The next meeting date was announced as the AGM and presidents address on the 6th December 2016