Recent activity
Below are just a few examples of local wildlife found by local members.
Buff-tip moth, found during a field trip to Staxton Nature reserve July 2024.
Myathropa floera (hoverfly), found in a local garden Jul 24.
Kingfisher in flight, Aug 24.
Close up shot of bindweed flowers, Aug 24.
Marasmius rotula, a common and widespread mushroom, found Sep 24.
Sea Trout at the mouth of Scalby Beck, Oct 24.
Yellow Earth tongue (Spathularia flavida), scarlet wax cap (Hygrocybe coccinea) and common Puffball (Lycoperdon pelatum), releasing spores when pressed, some of the fungi found during a field trip to Reasty Bank, Oct 24.
Native common rock barnacle (Semibalanus balanoides), Australian modest barnacle (Austrominius modestus), periwinkle (Littorina neglecta) in the upper right and lichen Collemopsidium foveolatum, found at Scalby Mills during a talk on the Concrete Coast Programme, designed to improve habitats along the coast, Nov 24.
Electra pilosa, found after storm damage on Scarborough’s North Bay, Dec 24.