2015 – Nov 10
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON: 10th November 2015
VENUE: University of Hull Scarborough Campus. ATTENDANCE: 28 Members & guests.
CHAIRMAN: Brian Walker
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(s): Minutes from 13th October were presented on screen and accepted.
CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: YNU report, YWT magazine, Yorkshire Branch of Butterfly Conservation.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mick Carroll had sadly passed away on the 21st October. A number of members had attended the funeral. Brian paid tribute to all the work that Mick had done over the years.
Volunteers for officers were requested.
The next meeting is a members meeting and people are asked to bring any interesting slides or items in for display.
Members were asked to give any agenda items for the AGM to Brian. The AGM is on the 8th December.
An indicator of how warm it has been recently. A Common Darter Dragonfly was seen on 4th November at the open air theatre. Also Kingfisher there. John Hume.
Len Auckland reported a large Dragonfly species was at Staxton the same week.
Also Migrant Hawker at Burton Riggs had been reported on the Scarborough Birders website.
Three Truffles were found in Wykeham forest including one parasitic species.
It was noted that in a garden in North Moor that the numbers of Tree Sparrows had fallen hugely but the population of House Sparrow had held stable.
Three large Ash Trees had been cut down on Ruston Lane and it was asked if this was due to Ash Dieback. Brian confirmed this was unlikely.
Monday 2nd Nov – freshly emerged Comma reported in Troutsdale by Kathy Bushel.
Green Woodpecker had been seen at Scalby Mills by Mandy Hillier.
Janice Morritt saw a Snipe at Cayton Bay.
SPEAKER FOR THE EVENING: North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority.
TITLE/SUBJECT OF TALK: An overview of the work of the NEIFCA.
MAIN CONTENT OF TALK: An overview was given of the structure and role of the NEIFCA and its place in national marine enviroment management. It has a role in balancing the needs of the enviroment with the needs of the local population and industry.
Two officers then gave case presentations to show the type of work that they do.
The first was on the management of shore based gill nets on the Holderness coast and how they monitored and adapting licensing to ensure that this was a sustainable fishery.
The second was a talk on a more habitat focused project around the chalk reefs off Flamborough. It explained how they had gathered information on the extent of the reef and how this was translated into a new extended 'no trawl' area.
Acting chair Brian Walker gave the vote of thanks.
Next meeting is 24th November
The meeting closed at 9-25pm.