2015 – Nov 24
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON: 24th November 2015
VENUE: University of Hull Scarborough Campus. ATTENDANCE: 17 Members & guests.
CHAIRMAN: Brian Walker
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(s): Minutes from 10th November were presented on screen and accepted.
CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: Brian had received an e-mail from a Mr Philip Michulitis regarding a proposed development on Lady Edith's Drive regarding the SFNS stance on the development. Brian will formulate a response for the society.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We now have nominations for all positions for officers. Otherwise the present officers will continue in their present positions.
Members were asked to give any agenda items for the AGM to Brian. The AGM is on the 8th December. The speaker for the night is by award winning photographer Steve Race on 'Wild Shetland'.
Ian Glaves reported that after the storms over the weekend we have had quite a few birds in the harbour including up to 12 black-necked grebe (in harbour and in bay), little auk (ditto), Iceland gull and all three diver species (in bay).
Ian Glaves has organised a charity lecture on the Thursday 25th Feb at the Rugby Club by Andy Rouse an acclaimed wildlife photographer. Andy has been involved with Springwatch on TV as is a good speaker. Tickets will be on sale shortly. This has been organised in memory of Mick Carroll. Proceeds will go to the hospice.
SPEAKER FOR THE EVENING: Members meeting. Informal presentations as detailed below.
Len Auckland showed some slides of a plant which had grown up in his greenhouse. It turned out to be Apple of Peru which presumably was introduced as a seed contaminant possibly with his Tormentillo. It is poisonous so it was important it was identified.
Robin Hopper showed some slides of wallcreeper taken in the French Pyrenees.
Brian showed photos of temperate rainforest in Northern California including 400ft tall Coastal Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens and big-leaved maple. He explained the importance of forest fires to the ecosystem of the forest.
John Hume showed a short video on the dinosaur footprints of Burniston Bay.
Melanie Earle showed some photos of bees from her garden in North Moor, Wykeham following planting to make her garden attractive to bees including red-tailed and filed cuckoo bee, broken-belted bumble bee, leaf cutter bee and tormentil mining bee. Also dark green fritillary butterfly and mullein moth.